Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Music & Poetry

The ideals of love, life, arts, music, and literature seem to be in harmony together in the Romantic era, in a sense providing a thread that links poetry and music. In the very language of poetry is the evidence of musical qualities that make the poetry come to life. Poetry evokes certain imagery and communicates at nonrational levels, as pictures, emotions, and thoughts come to mind that canno t be created using direct terms, thus music also serves the role of evoking in us feelings and sensibilities in more and spiritual senses which are very difficult to express directly, thus also drawing another link between music and poetry. Poetry and music are used to open the inner self to its own reality, in a way intoxicating the body with good thoughts, emotions, feelings and just awaking the self within.

Wackenroder’s story is a fairy tale as it has numerous aspects found in fairytales. There is an indefinite time and place where the story is taking place, there are elements of magic (wheel of time), the saint’s transformation from a human like state to a spirit/angel, there is longing between the lovers (desire), and there is a happy ending with the lovers together. Also, this story shows the intricate link between words strung together to flow like music, thus emphasizing the lovers’ love for each other and allows the reader to be immersed in the words.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice commentary on the link between music and poetry. Also, nice work on the fairy tale aspects.


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