Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Music and Language

Poetic language helps the reader to envision music; however language does not have the power evoked by music. When words are brought together in a poetic manner, they flow like they would in a song. Words cannot create music; they just have a way of mimicking it. If you ever listen to a song and then hear the lyrics without any accompaniment, it is not the same. The lyrics may be beautiful, but it is the combination of the tune and the lyrics that makes the music whole.

Wackenroder’s tale is a fairy tale in that it has a transformation, conflict, and happy end. It is more of a Kunstmärchen because it does not focus on the magical aspect of the tale, but on the artistic way words can be brought together. The plot itself does not seem to be the most important part. It seems like the tale was written for the reader to get lost in the poetry.


  1. I agree with you on the power that music has to evoke in us emotions and thoughts and feelings and all that good stuff. and i think that it is a very interesting and great point about how lyrics, no matter how beautiful, without music will not incomplete. only the combination of music and the lyrics makes it whole and powerful to evoke and awaken the senses within

  2. I totally agree with you about poetry not being able to fully be a song. When I was reading, I was totally thinking the tale would be better as an operatic aria or something.

  3. I never realized how much more musical those passages were when I knew what to listen for. Before, like Vanessa said, they were just words; with music, the page truly comes alive.


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