Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sally Sad Sack

For the second question, I would like to talk about the heroine functioning in a role of self preservation, but not the type that should be celebrated. In Atwood's version of Bluebeard, Bluebeard's Egg, Sally remains woefully ignorant of all her husband's cavorting. She calls him "Edward Bear of little brain," speaking like Ed does not know what is going on around him. However, anyone who has read Winnie the Pooh knows, Winnie does know what's going on around him, and instead of doing anything for or against it, he goes with it most of the time. Ed does notice the women flirting with him, he just goes along with it, instead of being assertive one way or another. Sally is the one with little brain, remaining ignorant of what is going on around her. By ignoring what happened to his other wives: the "fates had always been vague to Sally," Sally does not have to worry about the same fate happening to her. Sally celebrates self preservation, but by doing that, she loses herself.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe Sally is just unemotional and asexual. She lives a totally asexual lifestyle (why else does she care for an egg, the symbol of a child that never will be) in a loveless marriage, but she's okay. She turns a blind eye because she chooses to.


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