Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Devil for Children

The DEFA version of “The Devil’s Three Golden Hairs” is definitely geared towards a child audience. This film seems like it is meant for families with elementary school aged children because of the way the devil is made into a fool. Jacob pretends to be the devil’s wife and dances with him then scolds him and sends him to bed; that is the kind of humor that young children find funny. Fear of the devil and death is overlooked and made fun of in this film. The devil is almost like a child in that his wife makes him supper and then sends him to bed for being naughty. That is something children can relate to and they will find it amusing that this grown man, who is supposed to be powerful and fearsome, is being treated as a child. There are a number of other parts in the film that were put in specifically to make children laugh. For instance, Jacob runs off into the woods after seeing a mouse or when the devil becoming huge after eating and drinking so much at the wedding.

It’s interesting how the good mother figure of the devil’s grandmother is not in the film, his wife is only mentioned. It’s as if the filmmakers are saying that the actual presence of a mother figure is not important, only the acknowledgement of her existence is significant to the story.

1 comment:

  1. And what does this say about women in the devil's life? Mother, wife, they are the dominant figures in the household! Sure, women scold. But women rule.


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