Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Sorry for the late response, but I thought this was starting next week.

I think that the Bettelheim essay was much more interesting to me because of the way he discussed the role of fairy tales in terms of child development. I was especially intrigued by the section when he claims that in order for a story to be effective in developing a child it must "at one and the same time relate to all aspects of his personality-- and this without ever belittling but, on the contrary, giving full credence to the seriousness of the child's predicaments, while simultaneously promoting confidence in himself and in his future". I think it is a great way to look at how a story is able to help a child answer questions about the world around him or her, because these fairy tales can stimulate their imagination and allow them to see ideas from a new perspective. I've always thought about fairy tales having a minimal importance, and instead being more of a form of entertainment with a little bit of a moral thrown in at the end. However, after reading this essay and thinking about it, I am really able to grasp the potential effect that these types of stories can have on children.

1 comment:

  1. I just feel that child psychology is certainly not an exact science. His opinion, then, needs much more research to back it up. What examples does he give? It's really just a long posting on his studies and what he believes, it's not concrete. He gets an A for being opinionated, but a D for backing himself up.


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